Monday, October 20, 2008

Go Griz!

The Diede's were kind enough to share their Griz tickets with us this past the Robinson's loaded up for a day of shopping for the girls and a Griz game for the boys. Gunner insisted on bringing his helmet (he received more pats on the head than the if he was a player on the field), Grafton was very worried about the cannon that's fired after each Griz score, and Zack and I were able to see "some" of the game. After the game we loaded up for some dinner, swimming at the hotel, and all fell asleep to "Kung-Fu Panda". It doesn't get any better than that!!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The big day! Baptism at the Lake!

What a day! It's been a month since Graciee made the decision that she wanted to ask Jesus into her life...and today was the day to show her faith to the masses! The day began by feeding the ducks hamburger buns (and an occasional rock)...Gandenn decided it was too delicious to give up and woofed his down instead. And then to the baptism...Graciee being a little nervous got the giggles, but for her mom and dad, we couldn't be more proud. Friends and family...cameras in hand...Graciee answered Pastor Levi's salvation questions like a pro. The day ended with Gunner climbing the rock wall...and a little DQ for dinner to wrap things up...what an amazing Sunday!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

God's Country!

Some enjoy...and some are too scared to watch!


This is kind of tough to see...but this is Gunner in the car with me waiting for Mom, Grafton and Gandenn to get out of the Doctor's office. We checked in at the urgent care at 12:30 and didn't see the doc till 3:30!!! Love-it! So Gunner and I passed the time in the car playing "Pressure gage hockey" with two tire pressure gages and a happy meal soccer ball. Other fun games included tackle dad in the grass..."500" ball throwing...and some serious rock - paper - scissors.

Monday, September 1, 2008

First Day of School!

Oh my...where did the summer go? It's "back to school" for Graciee and Gunner and for the rest of us at home we are lost with out them. They both were so excited for their first day...wanting their alarms set at 6:00 AM. (we settled on 6:30) Does it not seem like once you have kids life goes by so fast?! Well they are loving school, homework, friends, and begging for hot lunch. (I have not yet caved in) And we as parents are so blessed with these wonderful kids God has given us!

Graciee's Big Decision...

When Mandy told me that Graciee was going to be joining us for the Jeremy Camp concert...I'll admit that I was a little disappointed. Not to sound harsh...but there are times when a husband just wants to get away and spend a night with his wife...away from the kido's. Little did I know, what the night would bring. As we made our way to the eatery for a healthy serving of hamburger's and funnel cake, I said a prayer that God would bring a good turn-out to the token christian fair concert. I set my expectations that past concerts have not been heavily attended. After filling our bellies, we entered the concert area...and wow! The turn-out was better than I would have ever imagined. The concert was a hoot! Jeremy Camp even got my mother-in-law jumping up and down in the stands! But the best was yet to come. We left the concert and headed home...Graciee was downstairs with Mandy discussing "life" on the couch. Mandy yelled upstairs to have me come and join them. As I sat down by the two girls in my life...Mandy asked Graciee to fill me in on their discussion. Graciee proceeded to tell me that she wanted to ask Jesus into her life. I was floored. I asked her the basic questions to dig into her understanding of what she was saying...only to be floored again. She answered my questions better than I could have! After the joy...I felt guilt. I had not given Graciee all the credit that she deserved...just when I felt like she didn't get it...God pulled her in! I felt guilt that I held my expectations for the concert in terms of attendance and not souls saved.
It took an eight year old to put my life back into perspective...and for that I am eternally grateful.


LOVE IT! We decided to take an outing up to Bitteroot Lake this past week...lots of excitement! Bee's loved the open sodas and Oreo's (my beautiful wife was stung), Gunner's hamburger didn't sit well with him all night...we had vomit everywhere! Lovely "Olympic style" dive competitions off of the dock (we would have given the Chinese a run for their money!), and good conversation by the camp fire...Praise the Lord for summers in Montana!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

We're Back!!!

Here is our FINAL load from moving from our townhouse to our new home. You know when you think you only have one load left and then after 5 more loads there is still "STUFF". Well this is the final load after all the other "FINAL" loads! I feel like Madam Blueberry...for all you veggietale watchers! Welcome to the "STUFF Mart"

Friday, June 20, 2008

You might be a redneck if....

...Your children are truly stoked to wear red ear muffs in preparation for the monster truck rally.
...You're 3-year old son manages to spill 20 oz of orange soda down his pants at the monster truck rally.
...You're 3-year old son manages to spill several ounces of orange soda on the nice lady enjoying the monster truck rally in front of him.
...You're willing to spend $10 / child to ride on the monster truck "thunder"...only to get plastered with squealing the entire time.
...You're willing to get off work early to head to the local Town-pump to get your monster truck tickets ahead of time (just in case they sell out!).
...You're willing to convince your daughter that fixed hair is optional when going to a monster truck rally (you've got to fit in!).
...You've managed to trick your children into believing that your rendition of 12-Stone's "Lie to Me" is the best there ever was...and the louder you sing...the better it gets.
...You think a child to parent ratio of 5 : 1 is going to be fun! (what could go wrong...right?)
...Your children run into the house in shear excitment thinking that they have officially been to the greatest event of thier life.

Worship at the park...

What a wonderful blessing it is to be able to fellowship and worship all at the park!!...Good food...Good worship...Good times...Thanks to Ms. Stacey who supplied our children with plenty of they would sit nice and still through Pastor Levi's message...and if that wasn't sweet enough...having Grafton raise his arm HIGH in the air when Pastor Levi asked if anyone would like to ask Jesus into their heart...need we say more...we are blessed!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Day of sun

Lov'en the sun! Who could ask for a better fathers at the park...and burgers with Grandpa Chuck! As you can see the sun went to the kid's heads as they rolled out skits using the Halloween outfits (a common occurrence at the Olson's). Needless to say I'm blessed by a loving wife...great kids...and a wonderful family!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Graciee's big day!

Well...our #1 girl is the big #8. And apparently (per Graciee) this is when life really starts getting exciting. Graciee wanted to go bowling so off we went. I tied with Grafton (a pair of 86's!)...but it was all in good fun.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Sunny Days...Sunny Days...

You've got to love sunny days in the Flathead. Heartman's were nice enough to share their cabin for a day of sun and fun. Erin and Rya were brave enough to jump in and brave the icy cold water in prep for the upcoming triathlon...We are blessed by many friends!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Mak'en Cake!

Let me set the seen. A perfect spring evening at Grandpa Chuck's house...the sun begins to set...bringing in a cool, crisp breeze. The parents are inside talking about important things while the kids go outside and play. Once the important items have been discussed...the parents congregate outside to make sure the kids are still okay...and what do we find? Imagination has set in...Gunner is the "chef". He is busy picking grass, putting it on his rock "stove", then adding just the right amount of water "seasoning" to his "cake". Graciee and Avery are running the "restaurant". They are busy taking orders...writing them down on sticky note pads...and relaying them back to Gunner so that he can adjust the order as needed. Gandenn is busy taste testing the dirt from the flower bed below...then he walks up to the "stove" in hopes that someone will spray the "seasoning" one more time. And Grafty? Grafton is busy in his own world of the endless battle of truth between the Autobots and the Decepticons.
Who could ask for anything more?

Monday, May 26, 2008

31 Rocks!

Birthday celebration today at Grandma Char's Lake (Mandy's the big 31!) -- she actually turns a year older on the 27th...but close enough. Nothing is better than throwing rocks in near freezing water...a warm fire in the house...and I'm blessed to have such a wonderful wife that makes me laugh every day. I can't wait to see what the next 31 has to hold!

Back into perspective...

For those of you that need a good jolt back into perspective (from the "important" stuff in the world we all have going on), watch the latest sermon at

It's a vivid account of the crucifixion...putting all of our "big" problems back into perspective...

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Everyone has their issues...

A friend of mine was helping me out this weekend build a rock-wall out at the house...and he had a interesting comment. "My wife swearers up and down our kids are the only ones to rotate tantrums so that at least one is screaming all the time!" What was my response?..."we all have our personal lives...and it ain't always rosie". Just tonight I had two in the screaming with soap in the eyes and the other just wanting "mama"...

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Work'en on the house...

Gunner is a trooper. He's been out at the lot work with dad almost every anticipation that he may get to ride on the tractor or excavator. Today is was pouring rain...he spent 4 hours working on moving a small pile of dirt. God has blessed us with wonderful children that make our heart melt...

Dancing with the Stars!

Only this time the stars are Graciee, Avery & Krista! All three girls did a great job look'en pretty...glitter anyone?

It's a Gooooooaaaaaaaalllllll!

Soccer Star? Grafty and Gunner love to go play soccer with daddy. Grafty wants to run and shoot just like his big bro! Gandenn doesn't quite grasp the concept as of yet...but give him time...give him time!