Sunday, September 7, 2008

The big day! Baptism at the Lake!

What a day! It's been a month since Graciee made the decision that she wanted to ask Jesus into her life...and today was the day to show her faith to the masses! The day began by feeding the ducks hamburger buns (and an occasional rock)...Gandenn decided it was too delicious to give up and woofed his down instead. And then to the baptism...Graciee being a little nervous got the giggles, but for her mom and dad, we couldn't be more proud. Friends and family...cameras in hand...Graciee answered Pastor Levi's salvation questions like a pro. The day ended with Gunner climbing the rock wall...and a little DQ for dinner to wrap things up...what an amazing Sunday!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

God's Country!

Some enjoy...and some are too scared to watch!


This is kind of tough to see...but this is Gunner in the car with me waiting for Mom, Grafton and Gandenn to get out of the Doctor's office. We checked in at the urgent care at 12:30 and didn't see the doc till 3:30!!! Love-it! So Gunner and I passed the time in the car playing "Pressure gage hockey" with two tire pressure gages and a happy meal soccer ball. Other fun games included tackle dad in the grass..."500" ball throwing...and some serious rock - paper - scissors.

Monday, September 1, 2008

First Day of School!

Oh my...where did the summer go? It's "back to school" for Graciee and Gunner and for the rest of us at home we are lost with out them. They both were so excited for their first day...wanting their alarms set at 6:00 AM. (we settled on 6:30) Does it not seem like once you have kids life goes by so fast?! Well they are loving school, homework, friends, and begging for hot lunch. (I have not yet caved in) And we as parents are so blessed with these wonderful kids God has given us!

Graciee's Big Decision...

When Mandy told me that Graciee was going to be joining us for the Jeremy Camp concert...I'll admit that I was a little disappointed. Not to sound harsh...but there are times when a husband just wants to get away and spend a night with his wife...away from the kido's. Little did I know, what the night would bring. As we made our way to the eatery for a healthy serving of hamburger's and funnel cake, I said a prayer that God would bring a good turn-out to the token christian fair concert. I set my expectations that past concerts have not been heavily attended. After filling our bellies, we entered the concert area...and wow! The turn-out was better than I would have ever imagined. The concert was a hoot! Jeremy Camp even got my mother-in-law jumping up and down in the stands! But the best was yet to come. We left the concert and headed home...Graciee was downstairs with Mandy discussing "life" on the couch. Mandy yelled upstairs to have me come and join them. As I sat down by the two girls in my life...Mandy asked Graciee to fill me in on their discussion. Graciee proceeded to tell me that she wanted to ask Jesus into her life. I was floored. I asked her the basic questions to dig into her understanding of what she was saying...only to be floored again. She answered my questions better than I could have! After the joy...I felt guilt. I had not given Graciee all the credit that she deserved...just when I felt like she didn't get it...God pulled her in! I felt guilt that I held my expectations for the concert in terms of attendance and not souls saved.
It took an eight year old to put my life back into perspective...and for that I am eternally grateful.


LOVE IT! We decided to take an outing up to Bitteroot Lake this past week...lots of excitement! Bee's loved the open sodas and Oreo's (my beautiful wife was stung), Gunner's hamburger didn't sit well with him all night...we had vomit everywhere! Lovely "Olympic style" dive competitions off of the dock (we would have given the Chinese a run for their money!), and good conversation by the camp fire...Praise the Lord for summers in Montana!